Harsh Condition Package For Trucks

• Water cooled alternator increases the alternator lifetime compared to the standard (air cooled) alternator; Especially in harsh condition
• Chromium plated cylinders rods with superior corrosion resistance.

• Reduces costs and increases equipment uptime.


Mining operation in acidic or salty water environment affect the equipment lifetime and reliability, and cause corrosion.

In order to reduce the issues due to this aggressive environment, Sandvik offers the possibility to the customers to equip their trucks with Harsh Condition Package.
The Harsh Condition package for Trucks includes a Water Cooled Alternator (instead of the standard air cooled one), and box lift, steering and suspension cylinders with nickel-chromium plated rods.

Water cooled alternator increases the alternator lifetime compared to the standard (air cooled) alternator, especially in acidic environment.

The chromium layer of the cylinders rods is characterised by a controlled micro-crack distribution with high crack density, which in combination with specially adapted finishing procedures, provides for superior corrosion resistance.